We are a group of experts in microalgal biotechnology ready to share our knowledge with companies and authorities. The CEOs Olaf Kruse and Clemens Posten form the core team. For special questions we use our network to include further aspects.
Knowledge-based advice spans from molecular biotechnology to bioprocess engineering. We offer experimental research and professional assessments for scientific questions up to plant design or optimization.
bio-compete is an independent department of IIT GmbH, a spin-off of the University Bielefeld dedicated to technology transfer. If You have further questions or if You want to order our services, please contact us directly or via the email-adress below.
The Institute for Innovation Transfer in a nutshell …
Tasks of the IIT:
Creation of an optimal structure for exchange processes between science and industry based on the basic idea of an Entrepreneurial University with entrepreneurially oriented facilities for the transfer of science. These activities have a profiling effect and are a trademark of the University of Bielefeld.
Shareholder and owner of IIT GmbH:
The shareholders are the Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Forschungs- und Technologietranfer in der Universität Bielefeld e. V. (Society for the Promotion of Research and Technology Transfer at the University of Bielefeld, ‘GFT’) and the Bielefeld University Society, Verein der Freunde und Förderer der Universität Bielefeld e. V., ‘UGBi’). GFT, a non-profit association of transfer-active scientists from the University of Bielefeld and the transfer commissioner of the University of Bielefeld, initiated IIT GmbH and founded it following a decision by the Senate of the University in 1995. GFT is the main shareholder of IIT GmbH (86,7%).
Public status:
IIT GmbH is a legally and economically completely independent and non-governmental organization (NGO), which is closely connected with the science at the University of Bielefeld and has its headquarters in the main building of the university.
IIT GmbH is a Non-Profit-Organization. All results are reinvested in the research equipment and –infrastructure. The annual financial statements are published in the ‘Bundesanzeiger’ (Federal Gazette, www.bundesanzeiger.de).
Scientific staff:
At the IIT, 38 university scientists from different faculties currently have a division in the IIT as project- or profit center managers. The number of employees working on the projects varies. Currently 38 people are employed. Approximately the same number is active as a freelancer for the IIT GmbH.
The projects and work areas are managed as profit centers, each of which is financed by its own resources on the market. Management and overheads are financed from revenue shares of the profit centers as well as from business errands for tasks in the area of science transfer at the university. The university participates in the success by investments and fees for the research-infrastructure.
IIT an der Universität Bielefeld GmbH, eingetragen im HR Bielefeld, HRB 35308
Geschäftsführer: Dipl.-Soz. Ludwig Pleus
Gesellschafterversammlung: Jürgen Heinrich (UGBi) Prof. Dr. Norbert Sewald (GFT)
Sitz: Universität Bielefeld, Universitätsstraße 25, 33615 Bielefeld, Germany
Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel: Stadtbahnlinie 4 ab Jahnplatz und ab Hauptbahnhof
Bankverbindung: Konto 68 011 964 bei der Sparkasse Bielefeld (BLZ 480 501 61)
IBAN DE09 4805 0161 0068 0119 64 BIC SPBIDE3BXXX USt-IdNr. DE 176 214 836 D-U-N-S No. 314 568 080